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"What exercise should I do to help my insulin resistance?"

It is very important to understand that exercising with Insulin Resistant PCOS is not all about the calories, it’s about balancing your insulin and androgen levels! This balances the hormone environment which your calories enter, meaning that they are less likely to be stored.

During exercise, muscle contractions stimulate improvements in insulin sensitivity. This improvement in insulin sensitivity prevents the hyperinsulinemia response seen in resistance, causative of ovulatory dysfunction and hyperandrogenism. To understand this, read my blog: “What is insulin resistance and how does it disrupt ovulatory function in PCOS?”

*Science Alert*
"How does exercise improve insulin sensitivity?"

Muscle contractions increase the enzymatic activity of the enzyme "AMP-activated protein kinase" (AMPK). This enzyme "phosphorylates" (adds a phosphate group) a protein called TBC1D1, causing its deactivation. This causes a transporter called GLUT4 to be added to cell membrane, responsible for increasing insulin-stimulated glucose uptake into cells.

Research studies have shown that exercise increases GLUT4 concentrations in women with metabolic syndromes. This increase has a strong association with improved insulin sensitivity.

"What type of exercise should I be doing?"

The best exercise is what you do regularly. It is very important to understand your body. Start off easy!

Ultimately, there is not one specific exercise plan that is perfect for Insulin Resistant PCOS. Experiment with your exercise and find what is best for you!

Types of exercise proved to improve insulin sensitivity:

  • Aerobic exercise: These workouts include using 50-70% of your maximum heart rate (which you can calculate by 220 minus your age) for long durations. Examples include: walking, dancing, swimming.

  • High Intensity Interval Training (Keep HITT under 15 minutes!): These workouts involve short bursts of intense exercise. Examples include: burpees, star jumps, push ups, followed by rest intervals. This is really easy to add into your daily routines.

  • Resistance training - These workouts include lifting or pulling exercises against resistance. Examples include: dumbbells, bodyweight and machine exercise.

A huge benefit of resistance training with insulin resistant PCOS is that lifting weights lowers testosterone! This has a role in disrupted menstrual cycles.

"What are some top tips for exercise with Insulin Resistant PCOS?"
  • "Just" going for a walk is perfectly OKAY!

  • Consistency is KEY. Slow and steady wins the raise!

  • Focus on your own progression, write it down in a diary if it helps with your motivation levels!

  • It is OKAY to have a day off. Insulin Resistant PCOS is strongly associated with tiredness and fatigue. You're not lazy, you have a metabolic syndrome!

Something very, very, important...

If you don't see a weight loss, this is also OKAY! Think about the benefit to your hormones!


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